By selling your items, you affirm that you are able and legally competent to agree to and comply with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, or if you are not legally competent to agree to them, then you may not sell your items to Pirates & Pixies.

You personally guarantee that the items you are selling today belong to you and you have the right to possess the property. 

Pirates & Pixies has an all-or-nothing policy. By accepting the offer, you acknowledge and agree that Pirates & Pixies immediately gains ownership to every item dropped off and they will not be returned to you. Offers are final and non-negotiable. If you try to negotiate offers, you will not be allowed to sell with us again in the future.

When an offer is accepted, you will earn points on your rewards account. If you do not have a rewards account, you agree to allow Pirates & Pixies to sign you up for a rewards account. By creating an account, you agree that you may receive communications from Pirates & Pixies, including, but not limited to, newsletters, promotions, special offers, reminders and updates via text and/or email.

If you decline our offer, you must pick up your items within 7 days from the date you do not accept. If 7 days have passed, you agree that all items immediately become property of Pirates & Pixies and will not be returned to you.

If no communication is received from you in regards to your offer within 30 days from the date the offer is presented, you agree that all items immediately become property of Pirates & Pixies and will not be returned to you. If you accept your offer, but do not pick up the cash within 1 year, you forfeit your offer.